A, B, C, D, E, F,
G, H, I, J, K, L, M
N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U,
V, W, X, Y, Z
- Ai - Harmony; Unification
- Ai-hanmi - Same posture
- Aiki - Blended or matched ki
- Aiki jo - Staff or stick used in aikido
- Aiki ken - Sword techniques
- Aiki taiso - Aiki exercises
- Aikido - The way of harmony of the spirit
- Aikido kyogi - Competition aikido
- Aite - Partner; Opponent
- Ashi - Foot; Leg
- Ashi sabaki - Footwork
- Ashigaru - Samurai of lowest rank
- Atemi - Strike; Blow
- Awase - Blend; Combine
- Ayumiashi - Normal, ordinary walking
- Bajutsu - Horsemanship
- Batto (1) - Sword-drawing
- Batto (2) - Drawn sword, naked blade
- Battojutsu - Art of sword drawing using a single cutting motion
- Bo - Stick, 6ft staff
- Bojutsu - Bo techniques
- Bokken (Bokuto) - Wooden sword
- Bu - Martial ardour/spirit
- Budo - Martial way
- Budoka - Martial art practitioner, martial artist
- Bugei - Military arts
- Bugeisha - Warrior, master of martial arts
- Bujin - Military man, soldier
- Bujutsu - Martial technique
- Bukiwaza - Weapons techniques
- Bushi - Samurai; Warrior
- Bushido - Way of the warrior
- Chudan kamae - Middle stance
- Dame - Wrong; Bad
- Dan - Grade; Rank
- Deshi - Disciple or trainee
- Do - Way; Path
- Dogi - Practice uniform
- Dojo - Training hall
- Dojo-cho - Director of the dojo
- Doka - Songs of the way
- Doshu - Grandmaster
- Eda - Short Stick
- Eri - Collar
- Eri dori - Collar grab
- Fuchi - Metal sleeve at the base of the handle of a katana
- Fudo no shisei - Immovable posture
- Gaeshi - Outward turning movement or counter
- Gedan - Lower area of the body
- Gedan gaeshi - Circular jo movement, aimed at lower part of uke's body
- Gedan tsuki - Jo thrust aimed at lower part of uke's body
- Gi - Training suit
- Gokyo - 5th pinning control
- Godan - Fifth degree black belt
- Goshi (Koshi) - Hip
- Goshin-jutsu - Self-defense techniques
- Gyaku - Opposite
- Gyaku hanmi - Opposite posture
- Habaki - Collar around the blade of a katana
- Hachi no ji - Jo movement based on the Japanese character for eight
- Hachidan - Eighth degree black belt
- Hai - Yes
- Hakama - Pleated skirt
- Hanbo - Stick, 3ft staff
- Hanmi - Standing posture
- Hanmi hantachi - One sitting, one standing
- Hanshi - Sword master of high rank
- Happo giri - Eight direction cut
- Hara - Stomach, centre
- Harai (Barai) - Sweep
- Hassogaeshi - Moving from basic posture to 'hasso no kamae'
- Hasso no kamae - Posture with ken or jo verticle at the right shoulder
- Henka waza - Variation (technique)
- Henke - Blending
- Hidari - Left
- Hidari hanmi - Left posture
- Hiji - Elbow
- Hiji jime (Shime) - Elbow lock
- Hiriki - Elbow power
- Hito e mi - Making the posture small
- Ho - Direction
- Hombu dojo - Headquarters
- Iai - Swordplay
- Iaido - Modern art of drawing the sword from its scabbard
- Ichigeki issatsu - One blow, one kill
- Ikkajo (Ikkyo) - 1st control
- Ippan geiko - General training
- Irimi - Entering (movement)
- Iro obi - Coloured belt
- Jo - Stick, 4ft staff
- Jodan - Upper area of body
- Jodan no kamae - Upper stance
- Jodan gaeshi - Circular jo strike to upper part of uke's body
- Jodo - The art of the jo
- Joseki - Place where honoured guest is seated in the dojo
- Jotori - Staff taking (defense against jo attacks)
- Ju no ri - Principle of gentleness
- Judan - Tenth degree black belt
- Juji garami - Cross-entangling method
- Juji nage - Crossed arms throw
- Juken - Bayonet
- Jumbi taiso - Warm-up exercises
- Kaeshi waza - Counter technique
- Kai - Association
- Kaiten - Open and turn
- Kaiten nage - Rotary throw
- Kakutogi - Combative art
- Kamae - Posture
- Kamae No Rei - Stepping out of kamae
- Kami - Deity, divine being
- Kamigakari - Divinely inspired person
- Kangeiko - Mid-winter training
- Kansetsu - Joint
- Kansetsu waza - Joint techniques
- Kansha - Gratitude
- Kata (1) - Shoulder
- Kata (2) - Form
- Kata dori - Shoulder grab
- Katame waza - Immobilization technique
- Katana - Long curved steel sword used by the Samurai warriors
- Katate - One-hand
- Katate dori - One-hand grab
- Kata tori - Shoulder grab
- Katasujinken - Life-giving sword
- Keiko - Practice; Training
- Keikogi - Training uniform
- Ken (1) - Sword
- Ken (2) - Firm, strong
- Ken no kamae - Posture when holding sword of bokken ready
- Kenjutsu - Combative sword arts or techniques
- Keppan - Blood oath
- Ki - Spirit; Mind; Heart; Energy
- Kiotsuke - To stand to attention
- Ki no musubi - Uniting your ki with that of your opponent
- Ki no nagare - Ki, or energy flow
- Kiai - Combative shout, or yell
- Kihon doza - Basic movements
- Kihon waza - Basic technique
- Kiritsu - To stand up
- Kobudo - Traditional or pre-Meiji martial ways
- Kobujutsu - Traditional martial arts
- Kogeki - Attack
- Kohai - Junior
- Kokoro - Spirit; Heart
- Kokyu - Breath power
- Kokyu ho - Breath meditation
- Kokyu nage - Throwing with breath power
- Kokyuryoku - Breath power
- Koshi nage - Hip throw
- Kote - Wrist
- Kote gaeshi - Outward wrist twist
- Kotehineri - Wrist twist
- Kotemawashi - Wrist turn
- Kubi - Neck
- Kubishime - Choke
- Kuden - Oral teaching
- Kumi jo - Partner exercises with the sword
- Kyoju dairi - Teaching assistant
- Kyu - Class; Grade
- Kyudan - Ninth degree black belt
- Kyudo - The art of Japanese archery
- Maai - Distance
- Mae - Front or forward
- Marui - Circular
- Masakatsu agatsu - Correct victory, victory over self
- Men - Head
- Menkyo - Teaching license
- Menkyo kaiden - Certificate of advanced proficiency
- Menuchi - Head strike
- Metsubushi - 'Smashing the eyes'
- Metsuke - Eye-to-eye contact without focusing on a single point
- Michi - Way; Path
- Migi - Right
- Migi hanmi - Right posture
- Misogi - Purification, ablution
- Mochi - Grip
- Mokuroku - Catalogue or list
- Mune - Chest
- Morote dori - Two-hand grab
- Munadori - Chest hold
- Musha shugyo - Knight errantry
- Mushin mugamae - Empty or open mind/stance
- Musubi - Knot; Tie
- Nagare - Flowing
- Nage - Throw; Projection
- Naginata - Halberd, traditional weapon sometimes as long as 10 feet
- Nanadan - Seventh degree black belt
- Niban - Leading from one into another
- Nidan - Second degree black belt
- Nikajo (Nikyo) - 2nd control
- Omote - Front
- O Sensei - Great teacher (Morihei Ueshiba)
- Obi - Belt
- Oi - Centre; Abdomen
- Omote - Moving forwards
- Orenai te - Unbendable arm
- Osae - Control
- Oyo waza - Applied techniques
- Oyo - Turn
- Randori - Rough grabbing, refers to free-style practise
- Rei - Bow
- Renshu - Practice; Training
- Renzoku - Continuous
- Rikaku taisei - Techniques used when standing apart form uke
- Rokudan - Sixth degree black belt
- Ryokata dori - Two-shoulder grab
- Ryote dori - Two-handed grab
- Ryote - Two-hands
- Ryu - Style; School
- Sabaki - Movement
- Samurai - Warrior
- Sandan - Third degree black belt
- Sankajo (Sankyo) - 3rd control
- Sankaku - Triangle
- Satori - Spiritual awakening or realization
- Satsujinken - Killing sword
- Seika tanden - Central point of stomach, slightly below the navel
- Seiza - Formal sitting position
- Seiza ho - Moving into a formal sitting position
- Sempai - Senior
- Sensei - Instructor
- Seppuku - Ritual suicide by self-disembowelment
- Shiai - Contest; Match
- Shibucho - Branch director
- Shichidan - Seventh degree black belt
- Shidoin - Instructor
- Shihan - Master instructor
- Shiho - Four direction
- Shiho giri - Four direction cut with the sword
- Shiho nage - Four direction throw
- Shikko - Knee walking
- Shimozo - Lower seat of the dojo
- Shin - Heart, mind, spirit
- Shisei - Posture
- Shizentai - Natural posture or stance
- Shodan - First degree black belt
- Shomen - Front
- Shomenuchi - Strike to the front of the head
- Shumatsu dosa - Fixing movements
- Sode - Sleeve
- Sode dori - Sleeve grab
- Sokumen - Side
- Soto - Outside
- Suburi - Solo practice of individual jo or bokken movements
- Sumi - Corner
- Sumitoshi - Corner drop
- Suri ashi - Gliding the feet
- Suwari waza - Sitting techniques
- Tachi - Sword
- Tachi dori - Sword taking
- Tachi waza - Standing techniques
- Tai - Body
- Tai jutsu - Body techniques performed without weapons
- Tai no henko - Body change or shift
- Taiho-jutsu - Arrest techniques
- Taisabaki - Body turning movement
- Tanbo - Staff, 18inch stick
- Tanken - Short sword
- Tanren uchi - Bokken practise for developing the centre
- Tanto - Knife
- Tatami - Straw mat made from bamboo
- Te - Hand
- Tegatana - Hand blade
- Tekubi - Wrist
- Tenchi nage - Heaven and earth throw
- Tenkai - Stepping move with turn
- Tenkan - Turning move with step
- Toma - At a great distance
- Tori - One who applies the technique
- Tsugiashi - Literally, following steps
- Tsuki - Punch; Thrust
- Tsuki no kamae - Posture holding the jo at readiness to thrust
- Uchi - Strike; Blow
- Uchi deshi - Inner disciple
- Uchi komi - Stepping forwards and striking
- Uchi mawari - To step inside your partners arm
- Ude - Arm
- Uke - One who receives the technique
- Ukemi - Breakfall
- Ura - Back; Reverse
- Ura sankaku - Back triangular stance
- Ushiro - Rear; Behind
- Ushiro waza - Techniques applied when attacked from behind
- Yari - Spear
- Yodan - Fourth degree black belt
- Yoko - Side
- Yokomen - Side of the head
- Yokomenuchi - Strike to the side of the head
- Yondan - Fourth degree black belt
- Yonkajo (Yonkyo) - 4th control
- Yudansha - Blackbelt holder
- Zanshin - Awareness; Unbroken spirit
- Zarei - Kneeling bow